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Consumer protection: Airlines reimburse over 500,000 flight vouchers as result of the European Commission and consumer authorities action in COVID-19 pandemic

Apr 19, 2023, 18:55 by User Not Found
The Commission for Aviation Regulation during 2021 participated in dialogue with the European Commission and the Consumer Protection Network (CPC Network) to address the consequences of the massive and unprecedented flight cancellations which happened in the early stages of the pandemic.
The European Commission and national consumer authorities have now received confirmation from 16 major European airlines, that they reimbursed over 500,000 flight vouchers that they had imposed on consumers for cancelled flights during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The airlines' reports on the implementation of the commitments show that airlines cleared the bulk of their reimbursement backlogs and adapted their websites, e-mail and other communication to better inform consumers of their rights when a flight is cancelled. Airlines also contacted more than 2.5 million consumers holding unused vouchers that had been pushed on them and more than 500,000 of those consumers decided to get their money back.
The European Commission Press Release with more information can be found here.