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Access to information on the environment is important to enable members of the public to know and understand what is happening in the environment around them. It also assists the public to participate in environmental decision making in an informed manner.

Environmental information held by, or for, the Irish Aviation Authority may be provided to any person who requests it under the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment Regulations) 2007 to 2014 (“AIE Regulations”). 

How to Submit a Request?

When submitting a request for information under the AIE Regulations, you should:

  • Submit it in writing (on paper or electronically).
  • Clearly indicate that your request is being made under the AIE Regulations.
  • Include your contact information.
  • Clearly and specifically outline the environmental information you are seeking.
  • Clearly state how you would like to access the information, specifying the preferred form and manner. 

Requests can be sent by post or email to the addresses below:


Post: AIE Officer
Irish Aviation Authority
The Times Building
11-12 D'Olier Street, 

Dublin 2. D02 T449

When to Expect a Response?

The IAA will respond to you within one month from the date of receiving your request.

In certain cases, we may seek further specifics from you in relation to your request and seek to assist you in providing these, or in refining your request so as to avoid it being considered unreasonable.

In cases of volume or complexity, we may extend the period for responding to your request by a further month.  In such a case, we will inform you of any such extension, and the reason for it, within a month of receipt of your request.


The Regulations allow a public authority to charge a reasonable fee for the cost of supplying the environmental information. 

The IAA has decided on, and has made available below, a list of the fees charged, together with information on how they are calculated, and the circumstances under which they might be waived.

There is no fee for examining requested information at our offices, but a reasonable fee may be charged for searching for, retrieving, and preparing the information for such examination. 

However, where you examine information at our offices and wish to obtain copies of that information, we may charge a fee, consistent with the list of fees specified below, for the provision of such copies.

Type of activity

Standard fee

Search and Retrieval of records€ 20 per hour 
Photocopying documents4 cents per page
Information sent via emailFree of charge 

When the anticipated cost of providing environmental information is expected to exceed €100, we may charge an advance payment of 20% of the total estimated amount. In these instances, the IAA will notify you in writing regarding this requirement and you will also be provided with an opportunity to review or amend the request.  

Please note that fees may be waived where the cost is estimated at less than €100.

Fees and/or advance payments may be waived or reduced in certain circumstances. Please provide any relevant information regarding your means if you would like this to be considered (eg, if you are the holder of a medical card, or a dependant of a holder of a medical card, etc.)

Details of any overall fees that apply will be advised in the final decision letter, with credit or a refund being given for any advance payment made, as appropriate.

We may also decide not to charge a fee at all if, having regard to your means, it would not be reasonable to apply the listed fees that would normally apply.

Internal Review

If you are unsatisfied with the decision you receive, you may request an internal review of the decision by an internal reviewer.  You should make your request for internal review within one month of receipt of notification of the first decision, or if you don’t receive a decision within a month (or, if extended, two months) of your request, you may also request an internal review. 

Request for interval review should be submitted to:

The internal reviewer will inform you of the result of the review within one month.

Appeal Procedure

If you are unsatisfied with the decision following the interval review process, or if you do not receive an internal review decision within the required one-month period, you may appeal the matter by submitting a written request to Commissioner for Environmental Information at the following address:


Post: The Office of the Information Commissioner 
6 Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2

An appeal may be made online at Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Information (OCEI)

The AIE regulations stipulate a fee of €50 for appealing to the Commissioner for Environmental Information. However, a reduced fee of €15 is available for medical card holders and their dependants.

A reduced appeal fee will also apply for people, not party to the original request for access to information, to appeal a decision to release information which they believe will affect them.