Fill in application form | Fill in as many details as you can. Questions left unanswered may result in application process being delayed. | |
Sign and date the application form | Individual making the application | Sign and date the application form in the appropriate area. |
2 or more people making the application | Each person must sign the application form in the appropriate area. | |
A registered company making the application | A current director or the company secretary of the company (as per a current CRO printout) must sign and date the application form in the appropriate area. | |
Include (or forward after application) all required documents | All applications must provide |
Applications where aircraft will have a radio must additionally provide | A copy of the Radio Station License issued by Commission for Aviation Regulation (ComReg) | |
Applications made by a registered company must additionally provide | A current Companies Registration Office (CRO) printout | |
Make payment
| Fees are calculated based on the type certificated Maximum Take Off Weight (MTOW) in Kgs of the individual aircraft.
Contact for bank details or call +353 1603 1077 to make a credit card payment for aircraft registration |