Aircraft subject to national law or EASA regulations must be maintained to a Maintenance Schedule or Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP). For aircraft subject to EASA regulations, the AMP may be approved by a CAO/CAMO responsible for managing the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft or declared by the owner. For aircraft subject to national regulations the maintenance schedule shall be approved by the Authority.
To assist aircraft owners of Annex I aircraft operating on a national Certificate of Airworthiness with a MTOM <5,700kg, a AMP MIP for Annex I Aeroplanes is available here.
To assist aircraft owners/CAO/CAMO, EASA published an AMP template and Minimum Inspection Programmes for aircraft subject to Part ML. The AMP template can be used in conjunction with the maintenance schedule recommended by the manufacturer or the Minimum Inspection programme.
More information is available in Aircraft Maintenance Programmes for aircraft subject to EASA Part ML.
For aircraft which are not considered complex motor-powered aircraft, the AMP may be based on the AMP template and the appropriate Minimum Inspection Programme or MPLA-H. Such programmes must demonstrate compliance with ML.A.302. AMPs previously approved by the IAA remain valid until amended.
The EASA template and Minimum Inspection Programme may be used for aircraft operating on a national Certificate of Airworthiness. In such cases, however, references to EASA and EU regulations must be removed.
EASA AMP template and Minimum Inspection Programmes
EASA AMP Template applicable to non-complex Aeroplanes, (powered) sailplanes and balloons subject to Part ML.
The Minimum Inspection Programmes, as provided for in ML.A.302 and recommended maintenance schedules for certain aircraft types are available here:
MIP for aeroplanes of 2730 MTOM and below
Minimum Inspection Programme Sailplanes and Powered Sailplanes
Minimum Inspection Programme - Balloons
MPLA-H Applicable to Helicopters
Owners/Operators should submit a customised AMP to the IAA for approval at the time of applying to register an aircraft, or, for ELA1 aircraft, when they so choose, use a "Owner-Declared" AMP.
Superseded templates
Maintenance Programmes which were approved by the IAA and are based on superseded templates remain valid.
Which aircraft are affected?
Aeroplanes of 2,730kg maximum take-off mass (MTOM) or less;
rotorcraft of 1,200 kg MTOM or less, certified for a maximum of up to 4 occupants;
other ELA2 aircraft
Note: The EASA AMP template is not applicable to Annex I aircraft, Aircraft and Helicopters not affected by the EASA Regulations. However, Annex I aircraft below 2,730kg operating on a Certificate of Airworthiness may use the EASA templates, once references to EASA and EU regulations are removed.
Who may certify maintenance on the aircraft?
Owners' Responsibilities
In accordance with Section ML.A.201 of the regulation (1321/2014) the owner is responsible for the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft and shall ensure that:
- The aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition;
- Any operational and emergency equipment fitted is correctly installed and serviceable;
- The Airworthiness Review Certificate remains valid;
- The maintenance of the aircraft is performed in accordance with the Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP);
- The owner may contract the above to a CAO/CAMO.