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Our new Passenger Advisory Group will improve our understanding of what is important to passengers at Dublin Airport. The Passenger Advisory Group will examine how passenger priorities are addressed by the quality of service and relevant capital investment projects proposed by Dublin Airport.

Membership of the Group

The Passenger Advisory Group is composed of organisations that represent the diversity of passengers at Dublin Airport: 
• Leisure passengers are represented by the Consumer’s Association of Ireland, the European Consumer Centre and Failte Ireland. 
• Older passengers are represented by Age Action and young by the National Youth Council of Ireland. 
• People with reduced mobility or disabilities are represented by the Disability Stakeholders Group, the Irish Society for Autism, the National Council for the Blind Ireland and the Irish Society of Alzheimer's.
• Business passengers are represented by the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC), Chambers Ireland and Ireland’s inward investment promotion agency, the IDA. 

Meetings of the Group 

To inform the Third Interim Review of the 2019 Determination on Airport Charges at Dublin Airport, we held a number of meetings with the Passenger Advisory Group throughout 2022. The details of which will be published below.

November 2022

Meeting 3: Quality of Service and Capital Investments Final Decision

May 2022

Meeting 2: Quality of Service and Capital Investments Proposals for Draft Decision

April 2022

Meeting 1: Introduction and Dublin Airport's Proposals for Quality of Service and Capital Investments

To inform the 2019 Determination of Airport Charges we held five meetings with the Passenger Advisory Group with the following themes.

November 2018

Meeting 1: Identification of passenger priorities and Overview of the current Measures and targets of quality of service

February 2019

Meeting 2: Overview of the proposal of Dublin Airport on selected capital projects

March 2019

Meeting 3: Overview of the proposal of Dublin Airport for the future targets of quality of service and our current thinking 

May 2019

Meeting 4:   Overview of our proposals on quality of service and capital projects

June 2019

Meeting 5:   Overview of issues that fall outside of the 2019 draft decision