In response to several ramp inspections outside the territory of the European Union Member States, when the flight crew members were found operating aircraft registered in a Member State other than the one that had issued their pilot licences, ICAO has proposed to amend the Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation to cater for automatic validation of licences through Regional Safety Oversight Organizations (RSOOs) agreements.
The ICAO Amendment 174 to Annex 1 -Personnel Licensing- enables, within a group of States, the automatic validation of licences issued by any State of the group when those States are party to a formal agreement under common licensing regulations. Such formal agreements can be implemented in various regions and improve the mobility of licensed personnel. It can be introduced with the support of a regional safety oversight organization, as appropriate. The amendment to Annex 1 is applicable by 9 November 2017.
Based on the above description the Competent Authority shall issue the licence with the remark on the licence item XIII: ‘This licence is automatically rendered valid as per the ICAO attachment to this licence', and provide the holder of the licence with the ICAO attachment.
In this context ‘‘automatically validated' means the acceptance without formalities, by an ICAO contracting State listed in the ICAO attachment, of a flight crew licence issued by a State in accordance with Annex I to the Chicago Convention.
EASA has made the specified attachment available on its website here.
Access to Aeronautical Agreement - ICAO Registration Number 5950, can be obtained on the ICAO website. Enter 5950 in the number search field.