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The Irish Aviation Authority’s Role

The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA):

  1. Sets and monitors a price cap limiting the revenue per passenger that daa can collect from airport charges at Dublin Airport

  2. Ensures compliance with the European Airport Charges Directive (2009/12/EC), which sets out minimum standards in relation to consultation and non-discrimination in an airport’s charging strategy.

  3. Approves any new fees or changes to the existing fees charged by the airport authorities at Cork, Dublin and Shannon airports for access to installations needed to provide ground handling services.

  4. Approves, as required, the charges airports levy on airlines to fund services for passengers with reduced mobility are reasonable, cost-related, transparent and established in cooperation with airport users.

  5. Designates the scheduling status of Irish airports under the Slot Allocation Regulation, appointing a schedules facilitator or coordinator where necessary. Declares the coordination parameters for Coordinated airports- currently, Dublin Airport is Coordinated while the other Irish airports are Uncoordinated.

  6. Sets and monitors the cost efficiency targets of the Performance Plans for air navigation services in Ireland under the performance and charging schemes of the Single European Sky.

For more details on each of these functions, please click on the relevant links in the menu.

What the Irish Aviation Authority does not do

The IAA has no power to regulate non-aeronautical charges, such as car-park charges, (except those levied for access to installations needed to provide ground handling services at Cork, Dublin and Shannon airports); and any charges at Knock, Kerry, Galway, Waterford, Donegal and Sligo airports.