The scope includes the approval and establishment of controlled airspace; the formulation, monitoring and enforcement of standards, rules and regulations; the planning of Temporary airspace arrangements. The following under mentioned are a list of applicable current regulations
- S.I 777 OF 2005 - Protected Area Order 2005 (as amended)
- S.I 806 of 2007 - Designated Areas Order 2007 (as amended)
- Shannon FIR Airspace Direction - 8th December, 2016 (as amended)
- Prohibited and Danger Areas Direction - 10th June 2004 (as amended)
Performance Based Navigation
The International Civil Aviation Organisation (hereinafter ICAO) published the Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Manual Doc 9613 in October 2008. Volume II contains a number of specifications covering different flight phases e.g., oceanic/remote area, continental en-route, terminal airspace and approach.
The PBN concept represents a major shift from sensor-based to performance-based navigation. These initiatives are cornerstones of SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) program which is building the future European air traffic management system. It is the technological and operational dimension of the Single European Sky (SES) initiative to meet future airspace capacity and safety needs., which will move today's ground-based air traffic control system to a more efficient one that relies on satellite navigation and on-board aircraft avionics. The potential benefits of RNAV and RNP are significant and include shorter, more direct flight paths; improved airport arrival rates; enhanced controller productivity; fuel savings; and reduced aircraft noise. PBN is one of several enablers of an Airspace Concept. The others are Communications, ATS Surveillance and ATM.
- Policy for the Application of Performance Based Navigation in Irish and UK Airspace - 15th April 2011
- PBN Transition Plan for Ireland - 25th March 2021
- PBN Implementation Plan for Ireland - 25th March 2021
Flexible Use of Airspace
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 2150/2005 of 23 December 2005 laying down common rules for the flexible use of airspace, reinforces and harmonises the application, within the Single European Sky, of the concept of the flexible use of airspace as defined in Article 2 (22) of Regulation (EC) No 549/2004, in order to facilitate airspace management and air traffic management within the limits of the common transport policy. In particular, this regulation sets out rules to ensure better cooperation between civil and military entities responsible for air traffic management that operate in the airspace under the responsibility of Member States. The FUA Concept allows the maximum shared use of airspace through enhanced civil/military co-ordination. The Application of Flexible Use of Airspace in Ireland ensures that any airspace reservation or segregation is temporary and based on real use within a specified time period. The FUA Concept is based on three levels of Airspace Management (ASM), which have been identified as, Strategic ASM - Level 1, Pre-Tactical ASM - Level 2 and Tactical ASM - Level 3. The three ASM Levels correspond with civil/military ATM coordination tasks and each level is related directly to and impacts on the others.
Airspace Change Proposal
A change to the use or classification of airspace in the Ireland can take many forms and may be simple and straightforward to implement with little noticeable operational or environmental impact. Conversely, a change may be complex and involve significant alterations to existing airspace arrangements that impact upon the various airspace user groups and the general public. All airspace changes are unique and, most will require some form of consultation. Changes to airspace arrangements, which fall within the scope of Airspace Change Process described in Aeronautical Services Advisory Memorandum (ASAM.019), should be made after consultation, if it is clear that an overall environmental benefit will accrue or where airspace management considerations and the overriding need for safety allow for no practical alternative. The level of consultation will be determined by the 'impact' that the change will have on others and not the 'size' of the change itself.
Temporary Airspace
Temporary Airspace (TA) for exclusive or specific use of categories of users shall be of a temporary nature, applied only during limited periods of time based on actual use and released as soon as the activity is having caused its establishment cease. Guidance material on Temporary Airspace (ASAM No.020) is published on the IAA web site to provide information to persons or organisation's on whether an application for Temporary Airspace is required. An application can be submitted using a Temporary Airspace Application Form (ASAM.F.No.020A). Guidance and information on TAs which are sometimes established annually for major aviation activities (classified as Special Events Aviation Activities) has been compiled and are listed in ASAM.08. If you would like to be included on the emailing list, send your details to .