The Irish Aviation Authority is the sole authority for the registration of civil aircraft in the Republic of Ireland.
The Aircraft Registration Department maintains the register of civil aircraft registered in Ireland.
Irish Aviation Authority (Nationality and Registration of Aircraft) Order, S.I.107 of 2015 refers.
The provisions and requirements for aircraft registration of the (Nationality and Registration of Aircraft) Order,
S.I. 107 of 2015 shall not apply to:
- kites
- captive balloons not in use for carrying passengers
- pilot balloons used exclusively for meteorological purposes
- unmanned free balloons without a payload
- gliders with a maximum structural mass of 80 kgs or less flown within the territory or airspace of the State and not in use for commercial transport or
- small aircraft as defined in Article 2 of the Irish Aviation Authority (Rockets and Small Aircraft) Order, 2000 ( S.I. No. 25 of 2000 ).
Attention of the public is drawn to precautions and necessary permissions required for the use of
Tethered Balloons, Airships, Free Balloons and Kites in national airspace.
Irish Aviation Authority (Tethered Balloons, Airships, Free Balloons and Kites) Order, 1999. (S.I. No. 422 of 1999) defines statutory provisions for the operation of tethered balloons, airships, small balloons and kites, hitherto only referenced in the AIP (Ireland), in order to bring to the attention of the public the permissions and precautions necessary in relation to these so as to avoid hazard to other users of the national airspace.
Attention of the public is also drawn to precautions and necessary permissions required for the use of
Rockets and Small aircraft in national airspace.
Irish Aviation Authority (Rockets and Small Aircraft) Order, 2000. (S.I. No. 25 of 2000) defines statutory provisions for the operation of rockets and small aircraft, hitherto only referenced in the AIP (Ireland), in order to bring to the attention of the public the permissions and precautions necessary in relation to these so as to avoid hazard to other users of the national airspace.
Attention of the public is also drawn to precautions and necessary permissions required for the use of
Unmanned aircraft in national airspace.
Note: should any operator or person have any doubt about the content or scope of the Nationality and Registration Order requirements or need to seek clarification or guidance they should contact the Safety Regulation Division of the Authority at 00353 (0)1 603 1186 or 00353 (0)1 6031474.