PDRA – Predefined Risk Assessment
STS – Standard Scenario
The European Standard Scenario (STS) is a predefined operation, described in Appendix 1 to Regulation (EU) 2019/947. It is one of the various possibilities for the operators to start their operations.
SORA – Specific Operations Risk Assessment
When conducting an operation not covered by an STS or a PDRA, applicants are required to conduct a risk assessment, identify mitigations and comply with safety objectives.
The risk assessment methodology, known as SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment), is developed for this purpose. It is published as an Acceptable mean of compliance to Article 11 to Regulation (EU) 2019/947.
LUC – Light UAS Operator Certificate
An LUC is an optional certificate is a recognition of the operator’s safety management system. If obtained, it may guarantee some privileges to its holder to self-authorise certain operations.