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The Irish Aviation Authority, along with industry stakeholders has signed up to a declaration to combat unruly passenger behaviour in airports and on flights as part of the #NotOnMyFlight campaign. The safety of flights, passengers and crew can be affected by the unruly behaviour of a small minority of passengers. All Irish airlines and airports, An Garda Síochana, the Irish Aviation Authority, AirNav Ireland, ground handlers and international aviation organisations have all come together to tackle the issue of disruptive and dangerous behaviour, which affects passengers and staff almost every day of the year. 

The challenge

There has been a 3-fold increase in passenger unruly behaviour reported between 2019 v 2023. Unruly behaviour can include intoxication, aggressive or inappropriate behaviour as well as not following the commands of flight crew, who are there to ensure passenger safety. The declaration sets out how the aviation industry aims to combat the issue of unruly behaviour on flights. The vast majority of passengers comply with instructions and show respect to staff and other passengers. 

The signatories of this Joint Declaration recognise the need to actively promote good passenger conduct due to the adverse impact that disruptive and unruly behaviour can have on the safety of a flight and passenger experience. The signatories of the joint declaration will not tolerate any behaviour that has the potential to disrupt the passenger experience, impact the safety of the cabin crew and airport staff or create a safety risk to the aircraft and those on board the flight. This includes physical and sexual assault, threatening and abusive behaviour and generally disruptive acts.

The action plan

The declaration sets out an action plan for the Irish aviation industry to reduce the incidence of unruly passenger behaviour in airports and onboard aircraft. The signatories are meeting regularly and engaged on the topic, working together to prevent disruption and enhance enforcement. Specifically, the industry aims to boost its ability to ban passengers through no-fly lists, ensure Gardai are informed of all criminal activity, enhance training for cabin crew and improve communication to passengers to prevent unruly behaviour. 