Background Information
In 2017, following a strategic action taken by the JRC, DG Move and EASA, it was decided to move all ECCAIRS related technical activities to EASA. ECCAIRS 2 project was launched, based on modern IT technologies (cloud-based), allowing a more efficient central architecture and combining the European Aviation Safety Reporting Portal, the “national” ECCAIRS database and the European Central Repository in one web-based solution.
ECCAIRS 2 will bring the following benefits:
- State of the art IT technology secured central architecture, private cloud environment, managed by EASA.
- Integrated cybersecurity protocols, with Multi-Factor-Authentication and fully encrypted data.
- Compatibility with all internet browsers and operating systems.
- User-friendly interfaces.
- All updates, fixes, enhancements for both the Software and the Taxonomy values immediately available for users.
- Central support via built-in “helpdesk” to report issues, ask questions, propose improvements.
- Integration into Data4Safety program of the EC/EASA, subject to strict data protection as per EU 376/2014: advanced analytics, insights and auto-improved data quality to support aviation safety.
New European Aviation Safety Reporting Portal
A new version of the European Aviation Safety Reporting Portal has been published on 5th Jan 2021. The portal is available at
The release highlights are presented in the following video:
The minimum Browser versions that EASA has recommended are:
Internet Explorer - 11.0.146
Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge 18
Mozilla Firefox - Version 69
Chrome - Version 77
For any questions, comments and support please contact us at