Thessaloniki Forum Papers Published
Feb 16, 2021, 00:00
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The Thessaloniki Forum of Airport Charges Regulators is a permanent Expert Group of the European Commission established in 2014. The Forum is composed of representatives of the national independent supervisory authorities (ISAs) for the purposes of the Airport Charges Directive. The Commission is the ISA for Ireland.
In January 2021, the Forum adopted two papers:
- Airport Till Structure and Cost Allocation. This paper sets out background in relation to till types and recommendations on appropriate powers for ISAs in the context of determining the till type. It then sets out detailed principles and discusses complexities relating to cost allocation between the aeronautical and non-aeronautical till at airports.
- Airport Charges and Environmental Issues and Considerations. The paper sets out guidelines for ISAs and industry (particularly airport operators) on how varied airport charges (e.g. on the basis of noise, NOx, CO2) can be justifiable under the Airport Charges Directive. It also provides an overview of the extent to which environmental related charging is currently in place at community airports.
The papers are on this page.