Outcome of Consultation on 2019 Actual Costs and Intended 2021 Unit Rates of Air Navigation Services in Ireland
The Commission has today published a final report (CP8/2020) on the outcome of our consultation on 2019 actual costs and intended 2021 unit rates of air navigation services in Ireland under the performance and charging scheme of the single European sky.
On 6 July 2020, we published a consultation paper (CP6/2020) including the two aspects above and sought written feedback from airspace users and their representatives by 31 July 2020. We received 4 written submissions from: Aer Lingus, IATA, Lufthansa and Ryanair. These submissions are published here, alongside CP8/2020.
Our final report CP8/2020 responds to the submissions received and provides airspace users with additional information. We confirm that we will submit to the European Commission the 2021 unit rates as consulted in CP6/2020. The 2021 unit rates have been calculated based on the existing draft performance plan submitted in 2019. We note that, under emergency measures approved by an Appeals Committee on 12 October 2020, the unit rates for 2020 and 2021 will be retroactively adjusted starting in the year following the adoption of the revised draft RP3 plan that will be submitted in October 2021. In the coming weeks, we will consult with stakeholders on the proposed timeline and methodologies of our workplan to draw up the revised draft RP3 plan for Ireland by 1 October 2021.
We will communicate to the European Commission the outcome of this consultation.