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Issues Paper - 2019 Determination

Apr 30, 2018, 01:00 by Engine Support

The Commission has published the Issues Paper in relation to the 2019 Determination on the maximum level of airport charges at Dublin Airport. The Issues Paper consults on possible methodologies and approaches for carrying out the 2019 Determination. It also puts the next determination into context by exploring the current performance of the airport.


This is the first of the three main papers which will be published in relation to the 2019 Determination. Following the Issues Paper, the Draft Determination will consult on how we have implemented the selected methodologies. The Draft Determination will be published in April 2019 and the Final Determination in September 2019.


We encourage any interested parties to respond to the Issues Paper, in order that we may fully consider views on the range of possible methodologies ahead of the Draft Determination. The deadline for responses is 5 pm, Friday 29 June 2018. Responses should be sent by email to , or by post to Commission for Aviation Regulation, 3rd Floor, Alexandra House, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773.