Consultation on Passenger Representation in Regulatory Decision Making for Dublin Airport
The Commission is consulting on three high level proposals to increase our focus on the needs of passengers when we make regulatory decisions about Dublin Airport.
The Commission, with the assistance of external advisers, has looked at how some other regulators address this question and possible ways forward in Ireland. Alongside our consultation paper, we are also publishing a separate report which sets out the detailed findings of this research.
The Commission’s proposals are high level in nature. If we decide, following this consultation, to proceed with these proposals, we will further consult on the detail of each proposal and assess these against the criteria referred to in Section 3 of our paper. The proposals are to (a) provide guidance to Dublin Airport about how to involve passengers in certain aspects of their business plans; (b) some form of incentive arrangement to underpin the guidance; and (c) establishment of an ad hoc panel to inform our decisions.
The Commission welcomes the views of interested parties on the proposals included in Section 6 of the consultation paper and the questions asked.
The deadline for responses to this consultation is 5pm, Monday, 16 October 2017.