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Future format for Regulatory Accounts

Nov 16, 2011, 00:00 by Engine Support

In November 2011, we commenced a review of the format of regulatory accounts that the IAA and DAA prepare. We indicated in April 2011 that we intended to review the format, and would advise parties of any planned changes in advance of implementation. The attached note sets out our proposals, which represent a change for both the IAA and the DAA.

In the case of the DAA, the proposed changes mean that future regulatory accounts will include additional information. For the IAA, we propose ending the requirement that it provides regulatory accounts, subject to the IAA providing the more detailed information about terminal costs currently required under the Single European Skies charging regulations.

Parties are invited to comment on the proposals. The deadline for comments is 30 November 2011. After considering any responses, we hope to be able to advise the DAA and IAA of the required format of any regulatory accounts in time for the changes to apply with immediate effect (i.e. results for year end 31 December 2011 will be presented in the new format if a change is made).

Click here to view the Comission for Aviation Regulation's proposals relating to the future format of Regulatory Accounts