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Autumn Travel Trade Licensing Round

Jun 24, 2011, 01:00 by Engine Support

Autumn 2011 Travel Trade Licensing Arrangement

Below is the Timetable for the Autumn Licensing Round.

Applicants are advised to submit their applications as soon as possible after the round opens on 18th July 2011. The latest date for submission of applications is the 15th August 2011. Applications submitted after this date will be subject to a levy (see amounts below).

Where applicants expect to procure either a bank bond or an insurance bond, the should request their bank/insurance provider to prepare the necessary documentation and process the bond as a matter or urgency. 

Bonding documents for license applicants - Bank bond Insurance bond

To view the full Commission Notice (CN2/ 2011) please click here.


Autumn 2011 Licensing Timetable
18th July Opening of on-line licensing facility
15th August Deadline for receipt of completed licence application at standard fee
12th SeptemberDate Commission aims to issue decision-in-principle letters for applications made by 15th August 2011
17th OctoberDeadline for receipt by Commission of applicant's bond for licence to be granted by 1 November 2011


 2011 fees and levies: Travel Agents
DateApplication feeLevyTotal
Up to 15th August€300€0€300
After 15th  August and before 1st September€300€1,956€2,256
On or after 1st September€300€3,913€4,213

Fee Structure - Tour Operators
Fees will be determined on the basis of projected licensable
turnover for the year of the licence application
(from 1st November 2011 to 31 October 2012)
 according to the following scale:-
Licensable TurnoverFee
€635,000 or less€300
€635,001 but not exceeding €1,270,000€600
€1,270,000 but not exceeding €3,810,000€1,550
€3,810,001 but not exceeding €6,350,000€2,150
€6,350,000 but not exceeding €12,670,000€3,100
€12,670,000 but not exceeding €25,400,000€7,800
For every €1,270,000 or part thereof in excess of €25,400,000€300
Additional Fee for New Applicant€300


 2011 fees and levies: Tour Operator
DateApplication feeLevyTotal
Up to 15th AugustSee Table Above€0See Table Above
After 15th  August and before 1st SeptemberSee Table Above€1,956See Table Above
On or after 1st SeptemberSee Table Above€3,913See Table Above plus €3,913