Revised timetable for IAA Determination
On 4 April 2011, the Commission advised that it did not expect to publish in April a draft determination on the aviation terminal services charges (ATSCs) levied by the IAA, as envisaged in the original timetable. This was because of the possible implications of the Single European Sky II legislation which stated that the calculation of costs, charges and unit rates for the purposes of SES II has to be made with reference to Commission Regulation 1191/2010 of 16 December 2010 amending Regulation (EC) 1794/2006.
Since April, Ireland has received a derogation from the Directive for the purposes of terminal services charges. This has removed the uncertainty about the timing of the draft determination. The Commission will publish a draft determination on ATSCs at Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports by the end of May 2011.
The Commission will comply with its statutory requirements by providing parties with at least two months to respond to the draft determination and by publishing a final determination before the end of October 2011.