Issues Paper on air traffic control terminal service charges levied by the IAA
This Issues Paper is the first output in the process leading to a new determination on air traffic control terminal service charges at Dublin, Shannon and Cork Airports from 2012. On 4 August 2010 the Commission published a timetable, reproduced below, which set out the process leading to a new determination. The timetable identifies key outputs from the Commission as well as milestones for the provision of information by the IAA.
The purpose of this Issues Paper is to consult with all parties on how the Commission should proceed to determine the next price cap for the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) charges at Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports. There are a wide range of issues that can potentially influence the final Determination. The Commission is keen to hear from all parties on these matters at an early stage. Comments on policies that the Commission should adopt, methodologies that the Commission should or should not use, and possible data sources that the Commission might rely on are all welcome.
Some key themes raised in the Issues Paper include:
- How developments under the Single European Sky II package, including recent regulations on charging and performance schemes, may impact on the determination;
- Risk sharing between the IAA and its users when traffic outturns differ from forecasts;
- The treatment of over and under recovery against the allowed cap;
- Operating cost efficiency; and,
- How capex underspend during the current determination period should be treated
The next step is for interested parties to respond to this Issues Paper. The deadline for responses is Wednesday 15 December 2010 at 5pm. Details on how to make a submission and a list of non-exhaustive consultation questions are set out in the Issues Paper.
The Issues Paper and all relevant documents will be published on the 2011 ATSC Determination page of this website. An updated version of the timetable will also be maintained on that page.
Click here to view the Issues Paper
Click here for a direct link to the 2011 Determination page
Click here to view a downloadable version of the timetable
September 2011 | Publication of Final Determination |
June 2011 | Responses by interested parties to Draft Determination |
April 2011 | Publication of Draft Determination |
February 2011 | IAA to provide the Commission with outturn/projected data on opex, capex and demand for 2007-2011 and capital investment programme for 2011-2016. |
December 2010 | Responses by interested parties to Issues Paper |
October 2010 | Publication of ATSC Issues Paper |