Timetable for 2011 Determination of IAA terminal services charges
The Commission has published a timetable for the process leading to the setting of a new determination on terminal services charges levied by the IAA at Dublin, Shannon and Cork Airports from January 2012 onwards. The timetable identifies key outputs from the Commission as well as milestones for the provision of information by the IAA.
The first output from the Commission will be an Issues Paper this October. The aim of the Issues Paper will be to consult with all parties on how the Commission should proceed to determine the next price cap. The publication will mark the commencement of a consultation process which, we anticipate, will conclude with a determination in September 2011.
September 2011 | Publication of Final Determination on 2012-2016 ATSC |
June 2011 | Responses by interested parties to Draft Determination |
April 2011 | Publication of Draft Determination |
February 2011 | IAA to provide the Commission with outturn/projected data on opex, capex and demand for 2007-2011 and capital investment programme for 2011-2016. |
December 2010 | Responses by interested parties to Issues Paper |
October 2010 | Publication of ATSC Issues Paper |
August 2010 | Publication of timetable |
The timetable for the process is available under the 2011 ATSC Decision page of this website (click here for a direct link to the 2011 ATSC page). All relevant documents will be published on the 2011 ATSC page.
Click here to view a downloadable version of the timetable .