Decision of the Commission further to Referral by the 2010 Aviation Appeal Panel
The Commission for Aviation Regulation has today published its decision in relation to the referral from the 2010 Appeal Panel in resepct of the 2009 Final Determination on airport charges at Dublin airport for the period 2010 – 2014.
Three parties: Aer Lingus, DAA and Ryanair requested the Minister for Transport establish an appeal panel to hear their appeals in relation to the Final Determination, CP4/2009. The appeal panel was established by the Minister for Transport on 3 March 2010. The appeal panel referred seven issues from the Final Determination back to the Commission for review.
The Commission has decided to vary the 2009 Determination to reflect:
- changes to the incremental retail revenue attributable to T1X
- the removal of forecast PRM revenues from forecasts of commercial revenues
- the correction of the price basis used by the Commission to reconcile outturn capital costs
- the allowance of the capital expenditure related to the temporary forward lounge (TFL) and some Pier D costs
The Commission decided not to vary its Determination to reflect the referrals on the issues of increased overheads associated with over-specified T2 retail space and differential pricing.
CP2/2010 explains the reasons and provides more details on the decision. The full text of the decision can be downloaded here:
CP2/2010 Decision of the Commission further to Referral by the 2010 Aviation Appeal Panel
The table below shows the amended price caps reflective of the Commission's decision.
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | |
Maximum revenue per passenger if T2 not operationally ready during 2010-14 | €9.03 | €8.20 | €7.98 | €7.76 | €7.56 |
Maximum revenue per passenger if T2 operationally ready 1 November 2010 | €9.42 | €10.52 | €10.30 | €10.09 | €9.88 |