Consultation Paper on the Review of the Travel Trade Legislation in Ireland
The Commission has published a Consultation Paper on the Review of the Travel Trade legislation in Ireland. The Consulation Paper can be downloaded by clicking on the following link: CP5/2008 - Consulation Paper on the Review of Travel Trade Legislation in Ireland.*
The Consultation Paper presents the Commission's preliminary thinking on the issues and encourages interested parties to comment on the suitability or otherwise of the current travel trade licensing and bonding regime. The Commission also welcomes comments on possible options for reforming the scheme. The closing date for receipt of submissions is 31 October 2008.
The Commission held a media briefing to launch the Consultation Paper. A copy of the presentation is available for download: Presentation on the Travel Trade Review Consulation Paper.
* The report was changed on 11 September 2008 to correct an error in table 4. The column titled 'claims against bond' was replaced with a new column showing the total claims (€).