January 2021 Irish Air Traffic
10 Feb 2021
Overall traffic in January 2021 is down 61% on last year and Commercial Terminal Movements for Dublin, Shannon and Cork airports are down 78% collectively on 2020 figures.
January 2021 State airport traffic compared to 2020:
- Dublin airport recorded a 76% decrease in traffic;
- Commercial air traffic declined by 94% at Cork airport;
- Shannon airport saw a 73% decrease in movements in 2021.
Two other key areas of the business impacted by the aviation crisis:
- There were 11,143 overflight traffic flights handled (flights, which do not land in Ireland), down 57% on January 2020 movements;
- 15,241 North Atlantic Communications flights (Europe /US Flights) managed in January 2021, a 58% decrease on 2020 figures.