The Irish Aviation Authority Publish State Safety Plan 2017-2020
The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) have published the State Safety Plan 2017 – 2020 which contains safety actions to address key safety risks in aviation identified from the analysis of safety performance at national, European and global levels.
As part of the State Safety Programme the IAA Safety Regulation Division (SRD) produces the State Safety Plan (SSp) on behalf of the Irish State.
Commenting on the SSp, Eamonn Brennan, IAA Chief Executive said; “Safety is our number one priority. We are independently audited by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and I am pleased to report that we continue to be recognised as having one of the leading jurisdictions for safety oversight in Europe and the world.”
The purpose of the SSp is to provide a strategic direction to safety management at State level and to outline to all stakeholders where the IAA SRD will target resources in the next four years as part of the risk and performance based approach to safety management. This analysis informs the development of risk profiles across different sectors of aviation, which helps to identify, and prioritise, the safety issues addressed in the Plan. This continuously evolving process responds to changes in the safety performance achieved and to changes in the associated risk profiles.
As aviation is a global business that requires States to co-ordinate efforts to improve safety, the SSp for Ireland is developed with due regard for international safety priorities and in particular with due regard for the EASA European Plan for Aviation Safety and the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan.
The Plan includes actions at the systemic level for the Irish State. The State must continuously monitor the safety performance of the civil aviation system and ensure that the actions taken at the State level, including actions related to compliance monitoring and risk management, contribute to improving safety. These actions enable Irish civil aviation stakeholders to operate safely, and provide necessary assurances of this at a global level to facilitate international operations.
The plan includes actions that address safety improvements at the operational level, which are actions taken as a result of lessons learned from operational occurrences. These actions may include rule-making, policy, targeted safety oversight/safety analysis and safety promotion.
The plan is available to view in its entirety here:
For more information about safety in the IAA, please view here: