IAA Welcomes the Publication of the DTTAS Report - Examination of the IAA ( Section 32 of the IAA Act 1993)
The IAA welcomes the publication by the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport on the publication of the independent report on the safety performance of the IAA.
The Board has already considered the key recommendations of the Report and an IAA implementation group will work on the proposed recommendations over the next number of months.
The IAA wishes to thank all stakeholders who assisted in this process.
The Executive Summary of the Report may be accessed through the Department’s website: www.dttas.ie/aviation/publications/english/executive-summary-examination-iaa-accordance-section-32-iaa-act-1993
For information about the IAA’s Safety Performance, please go to: https://www.iaa.ie/who-we-are/safety-performance-1