Flight Examiner Notification of Test Form

This is for use by Flight Examiners conducting Skill Tests, Proficiency Checks or Assessments of Competence on pilots holding a licence issued by the IAA.

Please review the IAA's National Administrative Procedures before completing the Notification of Test Form:

Pilot Examiner Standardisation Briefing Document (PLAM004)

Please review the IAA Personnel Licensing Advisory Memoranda (PLAM) as may be applicable to the test or check you are conducting:


Please note:

  1. Examiners certified by a Third Country (except where such examiner holds a valid examiner certificate issued i.a.w. FCL.1000(c) by an EASA Member State) may not carry out any licencing activity relating to an IAA issued Part FCL licence.
  2. Cookies must be accepted to submit this form.

Examiner Details

Candidate Details

Test Details


I declare that I have received information from the applicant regarding his/her experience and instruction, and have found that experience and instruction complies with the applicable requirements in Part-FCL
I declare that I have reviewed and applied the IAA's current National Administrative Procedures