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The Latest News From the IAA

IAA Publishes Policy Document on Land Use Planning and Offshore Development

25 Mar 2015

Land useIrish Aviation Authority (IAA) has published its policy document on Land Use Planning & Offshore Development (version 1.00) following public consultation which ended on 7th November 2014.

Click here to view the document.

The IAA is thankful for the submissions received, all of which have been reviewed and the draft policy amended where appropriate.

What does the Policy Document do?

The policy document:

  • Describes the role of the IAA, airspace users, aerodrome operators, providers of aviation communications, navigation and surveillance (CNS) systems and providers of other air navigation services (e.g. air traffic control and flight information services) and planning authorities - hyperlinks to relevant published material are included in the document;
  • Provides information on what constitutes an obstacle to aircraft in flight and the legal requirements for notification to the IAA of the erection or construction of such an object including its marking and lighting;
  • Addresses all types of developments including a dedicated chapter on land based and offshore wind farms;
  •  Provides information to aerodrome operators and technical facilities providers with regard to safeguarding their services and facilities against unacceptable developments;
  • Brings existing IAA policy on Consultation with Planning Authorities  up to date taking account of the latest standards, regulations and guidance material from the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, the EU and other authoritative entities;
  • Describes the Aeronautical Surfaces Screening Evaluation Tool (ASSET), the part it plays and how it can assist developers, the construction industry, planning authorities, aviation and other stakeholders in the performance of their functions.

What happens next?

Chapter 7 of the policy document describes the web-based Aeronautical Surfaces Screening Evaluation Tool (ASSET) which is now available for use free of charge to assess whether or not the erection or construction of an object, permanent or temporary is likely to constitute an obstacle to aircraft in flight or interfere with aviation communications, navigation or surveillance systems.

The IAA will use ASSET as its main database for the recording and subsequent publication of obstacles to air navigation in electronic format (e-TOD electronic terrain and obstacle data).

The IAA will continue to engage with aviation stakeholders on using ASSET as the principal means by which obstacle information is provided to it and via which acceptance, approval or comments, as the case may be, are communicated.

Non-aviation stakeholders such as developers, the construction industry and planning authorities are strongly encouraged to use ASSET to ascertain whether or not any proposed construction is likely to be an obstacle to aircraft in flight, or interfere with the aviation CNS systems and which in either case may require further evaluation.  ASSET will record your proposal, circulate to the relevant aviation focal point(s) and alert you via email to consult ASSET for updates regarding your proposal.

If you are a member of an industry collective body, association or federation the IAA will be pleased to accept an invitation to give a presentation on ASSET to one of your gatherings/meetings. Contact +353 61 366089 or email:
