Introduction of Declared Training Organisations (DTOs) delivering training for Non-Commercial Pilot Licences and associated Ratings and Certificates only
Introduction of Declared Training Organisations (DTOs) delivering training for Non-Commercial Pilot Licences and associated Ratings and Certificates only
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) have published new provisions for pilot training organisations, which intend to deliver training for non-commercial pilot licences (LAPL, PPL, SPL & BPL) and associated ratings and certificates only. EASA envisions that this change will benefit organisations by simplifying training activities and oversight requirements reducing administrative burdens on all stake-holders.
These organisations will replace the existing PPL ‘Registered Training Facilities’ (RTFs) but will not be subject to the same type of ‘formal’ approval required for an ‘Approved (Pilot) Training Organisation’ (ATO).
This new style of pilot training school shall however be required to make a ‘Declaration’ to the Authority, with details of the organisation and its personnel, the training course(s) and the training aircraft. These organisations shall be known as DTOs (Declared Training Organisations). The Declaration must be made using the appropriate ‘DTO Declaration Form’, available on the IAA website.
The completed Declaration Form is a statement of the DTO’s compliance with the applicable requirements of (EU) PART-FCL. The DTO shall be required to submit their training program(s) with the DTO Declaration along with a compliance statement to demonstrate that training program is compliant with the applicable (EU) PART-FCL requirements.
Existing RTFs intending to continue training as a DTO or new training organisations are required to send a completed Declaration Form to the Authority by email to:
The IAA shall acknowledge receipt of DTO Declaration forms by automated response and by letter shortly thereafter. Unless otherwise informed by the Authority, DTOs may commence operations without any further formality as soon as the declaration is made.
DTO’s shall be subject to an initial IAA audit and/or inspection within twelve months of receipt of Declaration.
These requirements become applicable at midnight on the 8th of April 2018. After this date training from existing RTFs shall not be permitted.
Training conducted at existing RTFs prior to 8th of April 2018 shall be acceptable towards the grant of an applicable licence or rating application from a DTO graduate.
Useful Links:
Further general Information on the DTO process is available on the EASA website HERE
The text of the DTO Regulation Amending PART-FCL can be found HERE
The DTO Declaration Form can be found HERE
For further information please contact the Irish Aviation Department Flight Operations Department at