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Do I need to register my drone with the IAA
Why must I register as a drone operator?
Where do I register as a drone operator?
How soon after buying my drone should I register as an operator?
What happens if I don’t register as a drone operator?
Do I need to register if I operate a model aircraft?
Can an organisation register as a drone operator?
I previously paid to register my drone – do the fees paid cover pro-rata the new charge?
What if I have more than one drone that qualifies me to register – do I pay more?
Do I need to prove my name and age when registering?
Do I need to register as a drone operator if I wish to pilot a drone?
Can I register as a drone operator before I purchase a drone?
How can I check if I have registered as a drone operator correctly?
Do I need to register the make/model of my drone?
Will I have to label my drone(s), indicating that they are registered?
How do I know if I need to register myself as a drone operator?
If I buy a >250gr drone for my 14-year-old and they are the only one who uses it, who registers as the operator?
I am a UK Resident visiting Ireland and I plan to operate my drone in the ‘open’ or ‘specific’ category, do I need to register?
Do I need to register as an operator in Ireland if I am already registered as a drone operator in another EU country?
Can I register my drone in another EU state and operate in Ireland?
Can I operate my drone in another EU state if I am a registered drone operator in Ireland?
What if my drone is involved in an accident and I am a registered operator?
I am a non-EU resident visiting Ireland and I plan to fly my drone in the 'open' category, do I need to register?
As a non-EU resident, are my competencies for the 'open' category recognised in the Ireland?
I am a non-EU resident visiting Ireland and I plan to fly my drone under the 'specific' category, do I need to register?
What do I need to pay for a renewal of my registration?
What is the minimum age for which people can register as a drone operator?

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