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Irish Aviation Authority
Temporary Restricted Airspace
for the Testing of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
in the vicinity of Newcastle Aerodrome (EINC)
Stakeholder Consultation

The purpose of this consultation was to gather comments on the proposed Temporary Restricted Airspace (TRA) in the vicinity of Newcastle Airfield (EINC) for the purpose of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) testing. The purpose of the TRA is to reduce the air risk associated with the testing.

Stakeholder Consultation is an integral part of the policy-making process in the IAA Safety Regulation Division. Consultation enables the IAA to be more open and its policies more effective by inviting and taking note of the views of relevant industries and other involved organisations and the public. The IAA consults on matters that include changes to legislation, the issue of new policy documents and the issue of guidance material.

Consultation on this document was open until 15th December 2022. No comments were received.

Proposed TRA Structure

The TRA is divided into four Blocks as shown in the attached diagram

Block A – which is in overlaps the Eastern portion of Newcastle Airfield ATZ, and will be used for launch and recovery of the Unmanned Aircraft. It will extend to a maximum height of 1,500 ft (same as ATZ), and be used to link to the adjacent offshore Block B.

Blocks B and C – will be accessed from Block A and will have an upper height limit of 2,500ft.

Block D – which will require ATC approval and liaison and will have a vertical profile extending from a height of 2,500ft to 6,000ft. As this block is within Class C airspace access will require specific ATC liaison in accordance with agreed procedures.

Points to note:

  • Individual block will be activated as required and notified via NOTAM.
  • Priority will be given to Military, Coast Guard, EAS and other emergency aircraft.
  • UAS operations will only take place between the hours of 08:00z and 18:00z.
TRA diagram